Introduction to location data interoperability course for technicians
The course introduces technicians and job seekers to the technical concepts and implications of location data interoperability. It will allow to analyse the impact of the implementation of INSPIRE requirements and recommendations on the SDI components (metadata, data and services). It will also explain how to comply to High Value Datasets Regulation, to be aligned to the FAIR data management principles and to tackle the data space challenges. At the end of the course, the participants will learn how to apply the main GI standards and good practices enabling location data interoperability.
- List of lectures and duration
- Introduction to data interoperability and data polices and initiatives in EU (50 min.)
- European Interoperability Framework (30 min.)
- Data spaces (30 min.)
- INSPIRE (60 min.)
- OGC Web Services (30 min.)
- Metadata (80 min.)
- FAIR principles (20 min.)
- Exercise (90 min.)
The course duration is 7 hours.
Course learning outcomes
- Understand the technical concepts, challenges and implications of location data interoperability.
- Analyse the SDI components (metadata, data, services) and the implications of the implementation of the INSPIRE requirements and recommendations related to each SDI component.
- Apply the main GI standards (UML for data modelling, ISO and DCAT for metadata, WxS and OGC API for services) enabling location data interoperability.
- Create an INSPIRE conformant metadata and validate it using the INSPIRE Reference Validator.
Additional Details
Other core Themes - location data interoperability
Online or Hybrid event - No
Number of participants - 500
Attachments -