by ciccioraio | Nov 30, 2023 | Events
ALL DIGITAL and Strategic Partners events This year, ALL DIGITAL with our project partners and members will run a number of in person and online events in English. You are welcome to join any of them! All the times are in Central European Time (CET) (Brussels, Berlin,...
by ciccioraio | Nov 30, 2023 | Events
The ALL DIGITAL Weeks 2024 international launch event titled “What’s next for Digital Skills? Beyond the European Year of Skills and the European Elections” is taking place on 14 May (14.00 to 16.00) at the Microsoft Technology Center, in Rue Montoyer 51,...
by Andrea Bedorin | May 9, 2023 | Events, News
The ALL DIGITAL Weeks are the pan-European awareness raising campaign on digital skills for inclusion, empowerment, and employment, running from 17 April to 7 May 2023. Through the promotion of inclusive, accessible and quality digital competence development and...
by ciccioraio | Feb 8, 2023 | Events
This year, ALL DIGITAL with our project partners and members will run a number of in person and online events in English. You are welcome to join any them all! Please note that most registration forms will take you to the main ALL DIGITAL website. All the times are in...
by ciccioraio | Feb 8, 2023 | Events
The International high-level event will discuss this year’s campaign and involve representatives from the European Commission, national governments and civil society and industry partners. It will serve as a platform to officially kick off the campaign and highlight...