DIS4SME InfoDay – Genova (Consorzio SIIT)
Il progetto europeo DIS4SME organizza corsi rivolti a manager e tecnici delle Piccole Medie Imprese sull’interoperabilità dei dati geografici per la transizione verde e digitale. Partecipando all’InfoDay riceverai le informazioni sulla offerta formativa del progetto, sulla modalità di erogazione dei corsi e su come pre-registrarti.
English version:
The DIS4SME Project aims to implement courses on Location Data Interoperability that can be applied in real work environments and the broader geospatial domain. DIS4SME will offer high-quality training courses that aim to upskill employees of Small and Medium Enterprises.By attending the InfoDay, you will receive information about the project’s training offer, how courses are delivered, and how to pre-register.
Additional Details
Other core Themes - location data interoperability
Online or Hybrid event - Yes
Number of participants - 50
Attachments -